Month: June 2020

VIDEO: Warlord “Raz from CHAZ” Caught on Video Handing Out AR15s to Random Young Activists

The Gateway Pundit reporter Cassandra Fairbanks (posted this) video of armed antifa-anarchist terrorists in the Capitol Hill Free Zone (CHAZ). The video is fucking hilarious, by the way — Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) June 11, 2020 Over the weekend there is video of the CHAZ warlord ‘Taz’ handing out AR15s to random young activists. […]

An Eye-Witness’s Shocking Account of What’s REALLY Happening During the Seattle Riots

A social media post (which has been removed) by a member of the Washington National Guard has been shared more than 7000 times since it was written on June 12th. It’s a true education in mob mentality. As Toby Cowern says, “Look how much ‘othering’ has been done already. Once that’s happening there’s a big […]

Interview Most Foul

Edward Curtin Imagine this: A so-called presidential historian for a major television network publishes an interview in the most famous newspaper in the world with the most famous singer/songwriter in the world, who has recently written an explosive song accusing the U.S. government of a conspiracy in the assassination of the most famous modern American […]

Are Hell’s Angels and Mongols riding together on their way to Seattle to scrap with Antifa Terrorists?

??? ????? ??????? @_WhiteRabbitt_ BREAKING: Hell’s Angels and Mongols riding together on their way to Seattle to scrap with Antifa Terrorists. Stay tuned. #HellsAngels #mongols #AntifaTerrorists #bashbrothers Sonny Barger, a founding member of the California chapter of the Hells Angels, debunked the rumor in a Facebook post on Saturday, June 13. He wrote: “People […]

COLLAPSE of Democrat-run cities now imminent as TRUCKERS say they will refuse delivering to cities with de-funded police

God bless the truckers! News is breaking today that nearly 4 out of 5 truckers across America will refuse to make deliveries to cities where Democrats have de-funded or abolished the police. The mad violence, looting and “reparations” demands of lunatic Left-wing terrorist groups means that trucks full of supplies are among the high-risk targets. […]

US: Man in critical condition after being struck by statue torn down by the mob (VIDEO)

By Laurence Leigh Protestors beheaded and pulled down a statue in Portsmouth VA. They hit a man with it as it came down. It crushed part of his head and tore open his skull. Vandals took photos and the police those vandals call bastards tried to save the man. — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June […]

President Trump tweets letter from Catholic archbishop calling the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests ‘Masonic’ and ‘deep state’ plots to hurt his re-election President Trump tweeted a letter written to him from Carlo Maria Viganò, a Catholic archbishop Viganò suggested  the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd protests are part of a ‘deep state’ plot to hurt the president’s re-election He said he knew Trump was on right side because he participated in the anti-abortion ‘March for Life’   […]

Soros and Steyer exposed as backers of ‘paramilitary’ left-wing group in undercover Project Veritas VIDEO

BREAKING: George Soros and @TomSteyer named as financial supporters of @RefuseFascism national organizers“We did get a grant from [Soros]”“We’re trying to meet with @TomSteyer…has political ambitions…not want to be directly connected” — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) June 11, 2020

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