The darkening of our screens and stages and its part in the theft of our past and future by Jack Antonio YOU FLY into London on a British Airways plane on which you are shown an animated film about safety. It stars a cartoon Black man with his cartoon White wife and their cartoon mixed-race child. […]
Month: July 2020
The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution
CJ Hopkins So, the White Black Nationalist Color Revolution (“made possible in part by GloboCap”) appears to be going extremely well. According to Foreign Policy magazine, the Trump regime is clinging to power, but it’s only a matter of time until the identitarian moderate rebels drive the Putin-backed fascists out of office and restore democracy […]
This is a critical point in US history. We’ve entered a dangerous, chilling period that could lead to a race or civil war
Mitchell Feierstein If you are a member of the Republican Party, you are guilty; if you belong to the Democratic Party, you can do anything with impunity. For example, the entire “Me too, believe all women movement” ended the second that creepy Joe Biden was accused. Apparently, a woman is only “credible” if the allegation […]
Tucker: Political violence is an attack on America itself
Violence returns us to the most primitive of all systems, one in which might makes right. There’s no greater threat to civilization. #FoxNews #Tucker
Berthoud, Colorado ‘Back the Blue’ Rally Sunday
July 26th, 2020 Berthoud Pro-Police Protest, tough crowd ? Small group of BLM agitators who come to stir up shit at pro-police rally in Berthoud, Colorado gets shut down and run out of town by pro-police group in Berthoud.
Far Left Watch
All-Black Armed “Not Fucking Around Coalition” Holds Rally in Memphis — Member Gets Shot When Other Members Start Fucking Around #NFAC
At a rally by the black-only ‘Not F**king Around Coalition’ (NFAC) in Louisville, Kentucky, gunshots rang out and two people were wheeled off by medics. Early reports suggest one of the militia members shot himself by accident. An all-black militia whose leader says he believes in violence to further the black cause, the NFAC gathered […]
France’s Cathedrals on Fire: ‘The Final Stage of De-Christianization’?
by Giulio Meotti July 25, 2020 at 5:00 am “The desecration continues to grow in Europe. Recent acts on statues of the Virgin Mary in French churches show how much these gestures are the result of barbaric hatred. They call for reactions. Catholics can no longer remain silent”. — Cardinal Robert Sarah, January 10, 2020. […]
GloboCap Über Alles
CJ Hopkins I’m referring to the simulated pandemic, of course, but also to the racialized civil unrest and identitarian polarization that GloboCap has fomented throughout the United States, and, to varying degrees, the rest of the empire. I’ve been covering the War on Populism and GloboCap’s “Trump-is-literally-Hitler” propaganda since 2016, so the civil unrest isn’t […]
Violence, Looting, Arson in Portland as “Demonstrators” Burn the City in Protest
Protesters gathered downtown late Monday night and targeted the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center, vandalizing the buildings and attempting to break into them. According to a statement from the Portland Police Bureau (PPB), demonstrators “tampered with and climbed on the gate leading under the Justice Center and pounded on plywood on the exterior of the building” and […]
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