Month: July 2019

A Time To Remember When Tightening The Border Topped The Green Agenda

[Forty-eight] years ago .  .  . America held it’s very first Earth Day, an event credited with the birth of the modern environmental movement. The annual observance was intended by the day’s founder, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, as a time to contemplate our natural world and to encourage efforts to conserve and protect it. […]

Koch Bros and George Soros Collude for ‘Private Sector Leadership Summit’ Encouraging Big Tech Censorship

The event happened last week in San Francisco, CA to push for a privately-enforced Orwellian Nightmare. The Koch Brothers and George Soros sponsored the “Private Sector Leadership Summit” last week in San Francisco, CA where the billionaire globalist oligarchs urged tech corporations to increase their Big Brother censorship practices. The event took place on July […]

Welcome, Comrade Mueller, to America’s Soviet-style show trials!

Any hope that the interrogation of prosecutor, Robert Mueller, would provide some closure to the endless spectacle of Russiagate was dashed. As long as Donald Trump is in power, the show must go on. When Mueller, 74, was led into the lion’s den of the congressional coliseum on Wednesday to defend his 22-month, multi-million-dollar investigation […]

Is Corporate America Selling Out Our Country? Within hours of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt began summoning the heads of American industry to Washington. Roosevelt knew the country would need an unprecedented buildup of planes, ships and other war materiel. Without hesitation, American companies responded. Ford, Packard, Chrysler, 3M, Hormel, General Mills, Pillsbury, Cargill, Boeing and many other major U.S. companies […]

‘The Squad’ Hates Our Country Modern progressives accuse America of being racist, imperialist, and xenophobic in the past. To the extent that they mean racially conscious, expansionist, and insular, they’re right too. Conservatives who deny this look foolish, as when they claim Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican in spirit. Many non-whites will always resent early American history and […]

GOP Rep. Gooden (R-TX) Accuses Speaker Pelosi of Sedition After Telling Illegal Aliens how to Avoid ICE (VIDEO)

Gooden accused Speaker Pelosi of sedition. Rep. Gooden: Suggesting that people break the law in this country is sedition. And I think we are going down a very difficult path that we, and I say we to represent Nancy and the gang, that we cannot turn back on. Gooden then accused Rep. Escobar of “allegedly” instructing her […]

Barbarian African Horde Storms The Panthéon In Paris

Barbarian African Horde Storms The Panthéon In Paris About Hunter Wallace 7469 Articles 3 minutes Il est INADMISSIBLE de voir des clandestins revendicatifs occuper, en toute impunité, ce haut lieu de la République qu’est le #Panthéon. En France, le seul avenir d’un clandestin devrait être l’expulsion, car c’est la LOI. MLP — Marine Le […]

5G as a Globalist Tool

The creators of 5G are pinning their hopes on enough wirelessly addicted, self indulgent humans being open to the opportunity for new digital bells and whistles to take over every personal and professional task.  The success of 5G depends on human being willingness to acquiesce those burdensome tasks of setting a timer on the coffee brewer […]