Month: September 2020

Facebook says it’ll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires ‘were started by certain groups’

RT If they know who it isn’t, they must know who it is. If they do not know who it is, then they cannot know who it isn’t.  How could it possibly “divert resources” from *firefighting* for *police* to assign a few spokespersons to the task of announcing the outrageously premature elimination as possible Oregon […]

Black Activists Applaud Defunding of “Critical Race Theory” Training

Washington, D.C. – Members of the Project 21 black leadership network applauded the Trump Administration for seeking to defund all federal training rooted in “critical race theory,” a radical philosophy promoting a false notion of systemic American racism and pitting races against each other.

MSM’s attempts to spin Trump’s attacks on senseless wars as disrespect for military at large are a dismal distortion of reality

By Tony Cox, a US journalist who has written or edited for Bloomberg and several major daily newspapers. The New York Times and CNN are desperate to paint Donald Trump as an enemy of the military, due to his desire not to get involved in pointless wars. But this is simply not true, and Trump has […]

How Can the Deep State’s Antifa Organization Be Stopped?

Joaquin Flores Remove Antifa’s Funding Sources and de facto Leaders Antifa is a terror organization operationalized and functionally created by the deep state. One of the front group NGOs that funnels money to Antifa is ‘Democracy Alliance’, which has Kamala Harris, George Soros, Tom Steyer, BLM Corporation, and many more, as members or backers. BLM […]

U-Haul Introduces Armored War Rigs For Californians Trying To Flee State’s Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland

CALIFORNIA—To help meet the demand of millions of people desperately trying to escape the dark, ravaged wasteland of California, U-Haul is introducing a new product in its moving van line-up: the War Rig. These weaponized, armored moving vehicles will ensure you and your belongings stay safe during the long and perilous journey out of the […]

Chris Hedges: Challenging Corporate Power – Chevron VS Donziger

On September 5, 2020, Chris Hedges talked to attorney Steven Donziger. Donziger battled the corporate oil giant, over environmental pollution and destruction in Ecuador and won a settlement of $9.5 billion for indigenous communities. Since then Chevron has waged a campaign against Donziger to destroy him economically, professionally and personally. Their goal is to prevent […]

The Profits of August

From World Socialist Website: The profits of August 2 September 2020 Over 30,000 people died in the US last month from the COVID-19 pandemic, while corporations carried out mass layoffs amid soaring unemployment, hunger and poverty. At the same time, the US stock market recorded its biggest increase for the month since 1986. All three […]

Victor Davis Hanson | Plague, Panic, and Protests—The Weird Election Year of 2020

Victor Davis Hanson succinctly explains the importance of the 2020 election beginning at 56:06: “This isn’t about Trump’s personality, this is not about George Bush versus Al Gore; it’s not even Barack Obama versus John McCain. This is about a radical hijacking of the Democratic Party and this is telling people that we […]

Death by ‘diversity’: American academy falls hostage to social justice fanatics and prematurely slams shut the minds of the nation

Michael Rectenwald is an author of ten books, including the most recent, Beyond Woke. He was Professor of Liberal Arts at NYU from 2008 through 2019. Follow him on Twitter @TheAntiPCProf The American academy, once deemed “the envy of the world” by some, is anything but that. Far from the bastion of robust intellectual inquiry for […]

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