Month: May 2020

Mexican flag waved over man with USA flag beaten by George Floyd rioters in Portland

ALIPAC Age restricted video. A man carrying our American flag is attacked and beaten by ANTIFA, BLM, & La Raza . . . . La Raza flag also turned up at CNN headquarters in Atlanta next to Black Lives Matter flag. Protesters also torched an American flag outside CNN Center in Atlanta […]

Trump Designates Antifa “A Terrorist Organization”

Zero Hedge Update (1300ET): AG Barr has confirmed President Trump’s tweet: “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly.” *  *  * In what should not come as a surprise to many (especially those with open minds and […]

WATCH laughing looters clear out Chicago Nike store in UNDER A MINUTE

RT According to reports from local media, almost all of the stores on the popular shopping strip in Chicago were damaged in some way, with popular brands like Zara, CVS, Walgreens and others also being targeted by looters. In addition, several police cars were also destroyed in clashes between authorities and demonstrators. The city imposed […]

New Video Emerges Showing This Is ORGANIZED Insurrection, We Are Entering Full Civil War Territory

Timcast “After this week, it’s foolish to pretend that the Left believes in coronavirus lock downs. The moment that Lefties and their media supporters saw people out for a cause they believed in, their alleged concerns about the virus disappeared.” — Laura Ingraham×710/HDTPG6hwwUluuZ6F.mp4?tag=10

Hidden Video and Whistleblower Reveal Gruesome Mass-Extermination Method for Iowa Pigs Amid Pandemic

Glenn Greenwald   Iowa’s largest pork producer, Iowa Select Farms, has been using a cruel and excruciating method to kill thousands of pigs that have become commercially worthless due to the coronavirus pandemic. As is true for so much of what the agricultural industry does, the company’s gruesome extermination of sentient animals that are emotionally […]

Job losses among the young could create a ‘lockdown generation’

JAMEY KEATEN “They have been basically ejected from their jobs,” he said, referring to the one in six youths who have stopped working. “There is a danger of long-term exclusion. The scarring of young people who are excluded from the labor market early in their careers is well attested by the literature.” “So I don’t […]

Salaries Get Chopped for Many Americans Who Manage to Keep Jobs

Matthew Boesler and Reade Pickert Companies across the U.S. are cutting salaries as they fight to survive the coronavirus, upending a key assumption in modern economics and raising another hurdle to rapid recovery. <snip> The pandemic has triggered unemployment on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. Pay cuts for Americans who’ve managed to […]

‘NYT chose to attack US military on Memorial Day’: Pentagon hits back at op-ed on army ‘celebrating white supremacy’

The US Department of Defense spokesperson has locked horns with the New York Times (NYT) over a Memorial Day opinion piece saying that the US military “celebrates white supremacy.” “The NYT has more than a million possible stories of the ultimate sacrifice by American patriots that they could tell. But they don’t,” Chief Pentagon Spokesperson […]

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