Month: January 2024

Elon Musk goes to Auschwitz: How an otherwise brilliant man misses the key lesson of the Holocaust

By Tarik Cyril Amar Musk could easily have shown a true and genuinely compassionate understanding of what the lessons of the Holocaust are. Imagine the richest man in the world, who also has a lot of cultural (in the wider and more important sense of that word) and political influence, going to Auschwitz and saying […]

Reader Comment of the Week

From the ICJ thread: US civil war may not be so good for Americans but the best thing that can happen for the rest of the world. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:11 utc | 13 Looks like we’re possibly heading for a major crisis within the US. There are 25 […]

“Barbaric attack using Western arms” – Moscow decries Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk

RT “This again confirms [the West’s] direct involvement in the conflict and makes it complicit in the criminal acts of the Zelensky regime, which has once again displayed its inhumanity and hatred towards innocent people,” it said. “The West’s unrestrained desire to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia through the hands of their Ukrainian puppets, […]

Talking World War III Blues: “Ukraine” fires kamikaze drones at major gas producer and missile plant in Russia as Kyiv hits series of military targets overnight

By PERKIN AMALARAJ and WILL STEWART Russia‘ war efforts have been put on the back foot after Ukrainian kamikaze drones successfully struck a major liquefied natural gas (LNG) processor and a missile plant on the same night. Video footage showed two enormous explosions at the Novatek plant in Ust-Luga port in Leningrad region, triggering a raging inferno at the […]

Why the Red Sea is Vital for US Redeployment of ISIS Against Syria and Iraq

Gordon Duff is a former UN diplomat having served in the Middle East and Africa, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted governments challenged by security issues, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”. Wider war, driven by America’s political meltdown.  Trump scheduled for […]

Pepe Escobar: How the West Was Defeated

09:35 GMT 18.01.2024 (Updated: 12:50 GMT 18.01.2024) Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia – a heir to those like Braudel, Sartre, Deleuze and Foucault who dazzled successive young Cold War generations from the West down to […]

Houthis using Commercial Satellites Combined with Radar to Target Ships in the Red Sea

By Stephen Bryen  January 16, 2024 We now know more about how the Houthis and their Iranian partners target merchant ships and US warships.   They use radar and satellite communications to target both commercial shipping and warships.  The US should be thinking about jamming Iranian radars that are being used to help the Houthis. The […]

Michael Hudson on Russia, Iran and the Red Sea: NATO’s War Economy Collapses

Posted on January 20, 2024 by Yves Smith Yves here. In a new discussion with Danny Haiphong, Michael Hudson continues his analysis of why US policies aimed at hurting Russia, China, and Iran are damaging US allies, particularly Europe. That both shrinks US markets and the resource base the US has available were it to be so dumb […]

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