Month: May 2020

Prophetic? EU once paid for a comic book that showed how it BOTCHED response to PANDEMIC A pandemic has claimed a million lives despite a vaccine sent from the future, yet EU officials are patting themselves on the back for a good job and mull even more bureaucracy. That is how a comic book published by the EU ends. While there is no shortage of epidemic fiction out there, […]

MAY 13, 2020 – ‘LOCKDOWNS IGNITE 2ND CIVIL WAR?’ (Michael Savage on Savage Nation)

We are on the cusp of a civil war; Port of Seattle police officer placed on leave for defending the Constitution; Dead branches of tyranny, Pelosi and the leftists, must be cleared out to make room for new growth; Scientists are now part of the Politburo; Nancy Pelosi wants return to the ration books of […]

Pelosi’s Latest $3 Trillion “Liberal Wish List” Hands Out Amnesty Like Candy – Opens Borders to Endless Migration – Bails Out Bankrupt Liberal States

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 By Jim Hoft May 12, 2020 While the rest of America was locked down Nancy Pelosi was getting eating gourmet ice cream and scheming against the American public. Pelosi put together her latest “liberal wish list” that was written by liberal lobbyists behind closed doors. The legislation reshapes US elections, […]

Bombshell: Crowdstrike admits ‘no evidence’ Russia stole emails from DNC server

Pushback with Aaron Maté, Crowdstrike, the firm behind the Russian email hacking allegation at the core of Russiagate, makes a bombshell admission: “We did not have concrete evidence.” In newly released Congressional testimony, Crowdstrike president Shawn Henry said that “we did not have concrete evidence” that alleged Russian hackers actually took the emails from DNC […]

The lesson of WWII? ‘Industrialized mass murder’ only possible when people stop questioning narratives, Werner Herzog tells RT

Having grown up in the ruins of post-war Germany, the acclaimed director, screenwriter and producer spoke with Sophie Co. host Sophie Shevardnadze about lessons that can be gleaned from one of the darkest episodes in human history. The atrocities carried out by the Nazis were the result of a lockstep narrative of “demonization” which replaced […]

Banning the conspiracist David Icke is wrong and actually strengthens his case that we’re sleepwalking towards dictatorship

Neil Clark is a journalist, writer, broadcaster and blogger. His award winning blog can be found at He tweets on politics and world affairs @NeilClark66 The banning of the former TV presenter from Facebook and YouTube is an assault on free speech and free expression which needs to be forcefully resisted, whatever your views […]

Virus of Mass Destruction

CJ Hopkins There comes a point in the introduction of every new official narrative when people no longer remember how it started. Or, rather, they remember how it started, but not the propaganda that started it. Or, rather, they remember all that (or are able to, if you press them on it), but it doesn’t […]

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