Zuckerberg lays out grand vision of Facebook-fueled utopia – too bad it bears no resemblance to the platform he’s actually built

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave an impassioned (for him) speech defending his platform as a tool of empowerment with the potential to give everyone in society a voice. Apparently he hasn’t spent much time there lately.

The billionaire rhapsodized about the liberating potential of Facebook before an audience at Georgetown University on Thursday in a “conversation on free expression,” an event that undermined its own purpose before Zuckerberg even opened his mouth. Reporters were barred from asking questions or even filming the proceedings, while students’ inquiries were subject to a moderator. But such matter-of-fact hypocrisy set the stage for a speech that described an enticing vision for the platform’s future – one that would require a 180 degree turn on everything Facebook is doing now.
