Lots of good information and discussion here:
Based upon what Fred Elbel posted on CAIRCO, I see frightening parallels to South Africa immediately prior to and immediately after the African National Congress took power. It became immediately apparent as Mandela took the Presidency that the SADF (that would be the police who were hired and promoted and employed during the apartheid period), had pre-prepared lists of whom to arrest and detain among the Afrikaners as soon as the transition was made to Black rule. I would venture to guess that if Harris is elected that we will see similar arrests of MAGA supporters which will be informed by previous massive spying on Trump supporters prior to November 5. If Donald Trump wins, I would compare his win to that of Ian Smith in Rhodesa when Whites in that country voted to declare unilateral independence from London and maintain their current government and way of life. — S. Byron Gassaway (Admin — Blogster)

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