Desperate Alex Jones Pleads for Forgiveness From Trump After Backing DeSantis

Well, that didn’t take long.

Three days after declaring he found someone “way better than” former President Donald Trump, far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones issued a pleading “emergency message” to beg the ex-president to forgive him for endorsing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Despite being a loud “Stop the Steal” proponent under investigation for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, Jones admitted last week that he had “pigheadedly” supported Trump over the years. Insisting he had long “disagreed” with Trump’s middling-at-best advocacy for COVID-19 vaccines, the InfoWars host endorsed a likely Trump rival for 2024.

“I am supporting DeSantis,” Jones exclaimed on InfoWars last week. “DeSantis has just gone from being awesome to being unbelievably good. And I don’t just watch a man’s actions, as Christ said. Judge a tree by its fruits. I can also look in his eyes on HD video, and I see the real sincerity.”

He continued: “This is what Trump should be like. And I’ve been hammering this point, and he’s doing it now. And we have someone that is better than Trump. Way better than Trump.”

After sparking a bit of a media firestorm with his remarks, Jones backtracked over the weekend and insisted he was taken out of context by the “corporate media,” of course. Additionally, he wanted the twice-impeached former president to know that he had not “abandoned” him amid Trump’s avalanching legal woes.