Posted b VanDiego here: "This we do know: Airport tower supervisor let a controller go home one hour before the crash leaving them short handed. Protocol is to have one controller dedicated to helicopter traffic. Indications were another controller had to do double duty because of this. Recorded tower comms indicates controller requested airliner to land on an alternate runway. What did the controller see to initiate the request?Another recording indicates Army base requests the chopper return to base. Both within a minute before the collision, according to several articles. Also, the video shows at least two quick course corrections left-right-left then straight into the airliner. Wayne Allan Root interviewed a retired Colonel (former Blackhawk pilot and airline pilot with 40k hours combined) who indicated another helo command pilot should have been on board to give more eyes, esp since night vision goggles narrow a person's peripheral vision. He says co-pilot's 500 hrs is bare minimum with pilot's 1,000 hrs better but not great. Mistakes were made by the chopper. We also know there were two other near misses reported at the same airport that occurred earlier in the evening. Now all social media for female co-pilot, siblings and parents scrubbed, allegedly, by the Army, before het (sic) name released. Strange, indeed. Something there the Army/DOD doesn't want discovered? Need DOD Hegeseth to initiate inquiries re this as well as her role at Biden WH. There are no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences."

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