Moderators are not fact-checkers, It’s up to the debaters to fact-check each other.
Kamala avoided and dodged the questions. She avoided the border question like the plague. I swear the powers that be are trying everything in their power to put this lady in power. I think she feels like this is a game; people’s lives and futures are at stake. She has not displayed any leadership qualities at all.
I don’t think hardline Trump or Harris supporters were swayed one way or the other but the biases ABC and these “moderators” displayed were pretty wild. The debates should be more of a town hall setting. Questions should be from the crowd, not the moderators. It’s never the job of the moderator to question the case of either side. It’s the job of the other side.
Frankly, this was not a debate but a 2024 version of Romper Room, the only thing missing were the moderators giving Harris juice and cookies and letting her nap. When the moderator fact-checks, they just become one of the debaters. A moderator is supposed to be neutral.
The long and short of it all is that we still do not know what she stands for and have no idea what her policies are. Truth be told, Americans do not need a debate to see the price of the pump and food in the grocery store and the victims of illegals allowed in this country.
Read entire piece here:

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