“We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” Lopez Obrador says!

[Being a narco-terrorist state is too lucrative for Mexico and President Obrador sees the Biden Administration as weak, or even complicit in the drug trade. If Congress and the White House seriously wanted to stop illicit drugs coming in from Mexico, they would declare the Mexican government as part of the Axis of Evil and treat it as a criminal enterprise and enemy of the United States of America. — Admin]


Mexico will put its security interests first and won’t fight drug cartels just because the US wants it to, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Friday. While admitting that tens of thousands of people are dying due to drug overdoses in the neighboring country, Obrador insisted that Mexicans will not “act as policemen for any foreign government.”

According to official US data, last year some 70,000 Americans overdosed on the synthetic opioid fentanyl. Washington has named Mexico and China as the primary source countries for the drug and related substances trafficked directly into the US.
