Victoria Nuland: Farewell to the queen of US foreign policy disasters

By Marco Carnelos

For 30 years, from Iraq, Syria and China to Ukraine, Russia and Israel, Nuland’s impact on US foreign policy has been disastrous. Let’s hope her successor is an improvement

Her career, in which she held top positions within the US foreign service, witnessed the progressive deterioration of US-Russian relations and also US-China relations, to the point where the risks of military confrontation in Europe and East Asia haven’t been as high since the most hectic days of the Cold War.

Nuland married Robert Kagan, one of the key founders of the neoconservative think tank Project for a New American Century, which strongly advocated aggressive US military intervention around the world. Nuland shared Kagan’s views on Russia, and pursued an obsessive anti-Russian policy, becoming one of the most vocal advocates of the fateful Nato’s eastwards expansion.

In fact, so relentlessly has she pursued them, that she has now helped create an increased risk of a major global conflict that could affect three strategic theatres at the same time: Europe, the Middle East and East Asia.

It is a rare thing, even in the glorious annals of US diplomacy, to have had an official combine Russophobia, Sinophobia and Islamophobia to produce so much damage.

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