Trump Supporter Has Home Raided by Armed FBI for Attending J-6 Rally That She Did Not Attend, But She Did Have an Anti-Biden Sign in Her Yard – Tucker Carlson Interview

By ProTrumpNews Staff
Published September 13, 2022 at 11:00 am

Tucker Carlson interviewed Lisa Gallagher during a segment on his show on Monday.

Lisa Gallagher told Tucker that 3 FBI agents showed up at her door the day after Joe Biden’s speech because of an anonymous complaint over January 6th – she wasn’t even at the US Capitol that day.

Transcript from the segment:

Tucker: Lisa Gallagher, as we told you a moment ago, was one of the many Trump supporters who woke up to an FBI raid earlier this month. We are grateful that she is willing to tell us about it. Lisa thank you so much for coming on. I just want to be clear you have not committed a crime of any kind I don’t think you have ever been accused of a crime or were even at the Capitol on January 6th, I don’t think you were even in Washington. Tell us how you felt when Joe Biden’s FBI showed up with guns at your home in the morning after his speech.

Lisa: I was terrified and I’ll be honest with you when my daughter woke me up telling me there were three armed FBI officers at my door I thought she was joking and I immediately tried to throw clothes on, I called my husband crying, my knees were shaking and even though I knew I had done nothing wrong after seeing Joe Biden’s speech the night before I thought oh my God this is political and I was frightened. I truly thought they could take me out of here in handcuffs and I thought I’m in my bedroom and I thought am I coming home? So I went outside and I said Gentlemen you are scaring me and they proceeded to tell me that they were given an anonymous tip that I was at the Capitol on January 6th.

Tucker: Even though of course they knew you weren’t because they had facial recognition software and there is no evidence it was almost two years ago. Do you know who this anonymous tip, this snitch was who turned you into federal law enforcement for supporting Trump on Facebook might be?

Lisa: No, I know nothing and I invited them into my home so I could look at my phone and my calendar and I have subsequently called the FBI office in Newark to just document or know for sure that it really was FBI agents at my home and it was and they said it was an anonymous tip but they won’t tell me anything else.

What is happening to our country?