The Treachery Of The Press – Video

From CAIRCO [Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform]

Dishonesty and deceit of the leftist mainstream media have been used to facilitate political power – at a significant cost to our country.

William Otis explains in his 2 July 2024 article: The press does its own Watergate:

The exposure of Joe Biden’s manifest unfitness to execute the office he holds – and still less to hold it for another four and a-half years – was not last week’s most ominous lesson. Instead, it was the treachery of the press. Press dishonesty works a particularly insidious sort of danger to the country, for reasons that, ironically, the infamous Watergate scandal make clear…

In Watergate, we depended on the press (admittedly with its own partisan motives) to bring to light the efforts of a sitting President to remain in power by immoral and, to the Republic, terribly corrosive means. Now, the press itself is a main actor, if not the main actor, in doing much the same thing as the malefactors it once exposed. In Watergate, the press was the principal tool in showing us that the President was morally unfit for office. In Senilitygate, the press has been the principal tool in concealing from us that the President is mentally and physically unfit for office…

Once upon a time, we had recognizable journalism in this country. That era is over with. What we have now, in by far most of the press, is advocacy thinly disguised as journalism…

The Left’s problem, probably as much as Biden‘s fumbling, is that we wahoos are now onto it and not real happy about it – one of the main underlying reasons, I suspect, that Trump will win…

Continued here:

Happy Independence Day from Global Gulag

Independence Day