The Seven Steps of Genocidal Tyranny…”Red Flag Laws Are the First Step to Total Gun Confiscation”

We must realize that we are witnessing a revolution against the United States and the Constitution. The elements of revolution are firmly embedded. We speak of the variables of a revolution as if they were separate events. They are not. All that is happening today is well orchestrated. The Deep State is the MSM. The MSM is the Deep State. The Deep State is the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the MSM which now represents a type of Bolshevik Revolution. History has seen this before. One could take my following paragraphs and apply it dozens of previous revolutions. It is just that this revolution is not just depicted in history books. The forces behind this revolution are targeting you and your family. To repeat, “they” will say that “someone” is unhinged and dangerous. I will say again, without any due process, your local LEO’s can show up to door and take your guns and will kill you if you resist as has already been proven to be the case.

This is a gab post by Blair Cottrell about what to expect from red flag laws. Blair is a white dissident from Australia.

Blair CottrellVerified Account@RealBlairCottrell

FYI in Australia we have no right to firearms, need licenses, gun safes bolted to the floor and wall, ammo stored in seperate compartments, regular check-ups by state agencies etc and “red flag laws” have always been a thing here.

A colleague of mine had his firearms confiscated by the state after attending a rally against immigration policy. He took the state to court and after several months won his case and was able to recover his firearms, only to have the state then cancel his firearms license on a separate technicality, related to his “unsuitable character”.

Another colleague who was a regular attendee at political rallies has had his property raided by police at least three times in the past eighteen months, police claim to be “searching for illegal firearms”. They never find any and have no reason to believe they will, officers carrying out the raids have verbally apologised to him after each search, informing him that they’re just following orders.

Another man I know was gun pointed inside his own home by police after getting involved in a brief fist-fight with Antifa, after trying to attend the Milo event in Melbourne’s North. His wife and children watched their father cuffed at gun point inside his own house, before being taken to the police station to be questioned, then charged with “affray” –But the charge was later dropped.

This is what “red-flag laws” will get you in America. Regardless of the noble excuses the state and its pawns will make, this is how these laws are actually used in practice.


Events could unfold more or less in the following order. Some of these red lines have already been crossed.

Step 1: demonization and dehumanization of conservative whites — as “bitter clingers” “racists” “privileged whites” “white supremacists” “deplorables” “irredeemables” “Nazis” “fascists” “Southern bigots” “slaveholders” “Islamophobes” “climate deniers” “Trump supporters” “nativists” “xenophobes” “oppressors” “blood on their hands” “political deviants” “bad elements” “mental defectives”.

Step 2: normalize the hatred — promote this narrative of evil whites throughout society via politicians and media, until resentment and hatred of conservative whites becomes commonplace, until it becomes automatic and part of the landscape.

Step 3: the excision of white heroes and artists — destruction of statues, monuments, memorials, tombstones, Christian crosses, symbols, books, murals and other works of art; revisionist history texts.

Step 4: banishment of conservative whites from social media.

Step 5: the Reichstag fire — an event, real or staged, that generates calls for “action” by the media, left-wing advocacy groups, and politicians.

Step 6: disarmament by degrees — red flag laws; followed by mandatory background checks for private firearms transactions and/or prohibition of private sales or gifts of firearms; then by registration laws; then laws banning semi-autos and/or requiring surrender of firearms and ammo above a certain number; laws making simple possession a felony; confiscations.

Step 7: the enemies lists — laws stigmatizing and targeting whites; a national registry of conservative whites; revocation of passports; weaponization of IRS, FBI, DHS, BATF, etc. against whites; prohibitions on travel, curfews, prohibitions on freedom of association; confiscation of computers, TVs, radios, phones, cars, bikes, and boats; prohibitions on international money transfers.

Step 8: anti-white militias — roving gangs of heavily armed urban youth, and militarization of police.

Step 9: the roundups begin.

Step 10: racial/ideological genocide of conservative whites.