The REAL “Lunatic Fringe”, and where to find it


Gary Jordan

On Sunday, an irate Irish society finally said ‘no more’. For a year they had been subjected to a criminally long lockdown to the detriment of their physical, emotional, and financial well being.

Thousands of them took to the streets of Dublin to display their dissatisfaction with a Davos-owned political class and the police state they were held hostage in. Besides one or two trouble-makers the protests were peaceful and the message was loud and clear.

Enough is enough. The Irish did what they do best – demanded freedom, stood up to their oppressors and sang songs.

The oligarchs winced. Butterflies were doing somersaults in their overfed bellies. Panic set in and beads of sweat dripped down their deranged little heads. Their biggest fear was realised; the people refused to comply. As a result, what followed was an onslaught of desperation from every political party and establishment sycophant in the nation.

The usual rhetoric was thrown out; anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, far-right, etc, etc.
