The Enslavement of Infinite Money

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group

With the word “reopen” on everyone’s minds right now, hopes are high, but it is a false hope. According to the elites own schematics for handling the pandemic, the plan is to use a kind of “wave theory” in which the economy is reopened for a short time – perhaps a month – and then closed again for another couple of months. The goal is to cause the spread of the virus in the span of that month and then use the spike in infections and deaths as an excuse to close everything down again. The public does not seem to be aware of this plan, even though it is openly admitted.

The next widespread lockdowns will likely occur in June. Some places in the U.S. are not opening up at all. This will cause a rush of people from high population areas into rural areas looking to escape the restrictions, even if just for a week or two. Infections will then spike in places that were once free of community transmissions. The rationale will then be in place to enforce even harsher restrictions.

When the lockdowns are instituted again, the U.S. population is going to go berserk. They think the crisis is almost over; they have no idea that it’s only just beginning.