The Coronavirus and Anarcho-Tyranny

Los Angeles police have stopped arresting criminals who would be held on less than $50,000 bail. Arrests dropped from 300 to 60 a day. The county may also release pregnant women and older inmates. The Bail Project’s chief executive Robin Steinberg is delighted: “Policing has to radically change in response to this crisis that we’re facing and the police should refrain from arresting people on the kinds of offenses that they have all too easily arrested people on over the last few decades.”

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, a notorious, Soros-backed “progressive,” urged police to cut arrests for non-violent crimes. His office also wants to turn loose most non-violent inmates; burglars, prostitutes, and others will be released after filling out some paperwork.

High-crime Baltimore is also leaving criminals on the streets. State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she would dismiss all charges for drug possession and distribution, trespassing, minor traffic offenses, open-container laws, and public urination. She said this would help prevent a coronavirus outbreak in city jails.