The ADL wants to ‘fight hate’ in video games, but ham-fisted CENSORSHIP is the last thing gamers need

Micah Curtis is a game and tech journalist from the US.  Aside from writing for RT, he hosts the podcast Micah and The Hatman, and is an independent comic book writer. Follow Micah at @MindofMicahC

Out of context, out of touch

The Anti-Defamation League is a non-profit organization that works to “combat anti-semitism and bigotry.”

They are also the guys who branded Pepe the Frog as a hate symbol just because some online morons decided to photoshop it into something offensive and saw alt-right hate code in the OK sign and the word “Boogaloo.”

Oftentimes, they’re seen making public declarations whenever a public person says something particularly nasty. Other times they’re doing things that seem rather pointless, like hosting a virtual panel about xenophobia and Coronavirus. They also were rather infamously involved in the most recent adpocalypse at YouTube, where they were brought in to consult and fight “hate speech.”

There’s no reason not to believe the ADL will not take the same sledgehammer approach to gaming. Their ability to ignore context has already been demonstrated in the interview with Daniel Kelly, the assistant director for the ADL’s Center for Technology, when it was first reported that the organization is preparing its foray.