State of Emergency Declared in Netherlands as Rulers Attempt To Stop Farmers From Protesting Zimbabwe-Style Farm Seizures


SHTF plan

July 8, 2023

The Hague, the seat of the ruling class in the Netherlands, has declared a state of emergency to prevent farmers from driving their tractors into the city to protest the government’s mandatory fertilizer reduction targets.


“The Netherlands has for years missed its climate goals. Now it’s time for a great leap forward,” Jetten said, calling the package “ambitious.” He presented 120 different measures which he said would make sure CO2 emissions in the Netherlands will be 55 percent lower than in 1990 by 2030.

The Dutch government can reportedly spend 28 billion euros to reduce the temperature on Earth by 0.000036 degrees. This would mean that each resident would have to contribute about 1,647 euros and a family of four about 6,588 euros., News Facts reported-The Daily Exposé

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explained how globalist rulers, including Klaus Schwab and the United Nations, are using the climate scam as an excuse to cut off fossil fuels and nitrogen fertilizer, to deliberately depopulate the planet.

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