Sen. Bernie Sanders: ‘Elon Musk Is Wrong’ on H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing

Neil Munro, Breitbart, January 2, 2025

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) slammed the government’s H-1B outsourcing program on Thursday, saying, “It should never be cheaper for a corporation to hire a guest worker from overseas than an American worker.”

Sanders is an old-style left-winger more focused on economic redistribution than the diversify-and-rule progressives who now dominate the Democrat Party. He wrote on January 2:

Thirty years ago, the economic elite and political establishment in both major parties told us not to worry about the loss of blue-collar manufacturing jobs that would come as a result of disastrous unfettered free trade agreements like NAFTA and Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China (PNTR). They promised that those lost jobs would be more than offset by the many good-paying, white-collar information technology jobs that would be created in the United States.

Well, that turned out to be a Big Lie. Not only have corporations exported millions of blue-collar manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico, and other low-wage countries, they are now importing hundreds of thousands of low-paid guest workers from abroad to fill the white-collar technology jobs that are available.

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