EU’s Borrell urges Ukraine backers to lift curbs on arms use inside Russia

Aljazeera 29 Aug 2024 The European Union’s top diplomat has ramped up pressure on Ukraine’s supporters to lift the restrictions on the use of Western weapons inside Russia. In advance of a meeting in Brussels of the bloc’s foreign and defence ministers, foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday that curbs on the use of […]

New “Migrant” Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners

From Gateway Pundit: U.S. government seems to be pushing a contradictory policy of war with Russia, Iran and China while destabilizing the homefront through mass migration and a weakening of the U.S. Armed Forces. Former Green Beret and War correspondent Michael Yon was recently on site at the United Nations migration camp at the Darien Gap in […]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that his country has conducted the first successful test of a new domestically-developed ballistic missile

The War Zone Joseph Trevithick Posted on Aug 27, 2024 1:55 PM EDT Ukraine getting a new ballistic missile free from use restrictions could be a major advance in the country’s long-range strike capabilities. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that his country has conducted the first successful test of a new domestically-developed ballistic missile. Ukraine […]

Democrats really are using 1984 as an instruction manual

From Moonbattery Democrats really are using 1984 as an instruction manual. The Daily Bell recalls the Two Minutes Hate… …a daily ritual of operant conditioning, in which a video reel depicting enemies of the state was broadcast throughout society with the express aim of whipping the masses into a frenetic state of loathing towards anyone […]

Putin declares state of emergency after huge kamikaze drone strike

Story by Sara Odeen-Isbister Astate of emergency was declared in the Voronezh region of Russia after akamikaze drone strike caused a major blaze at an ammunitions warehouse. There were several explosions and huge flames for hours after the Ukraine hit in Ostrogozhsk overnight. At least 200 people were evacuated and two people were injured, one seriously, in the district. […]

The Last Commander: Afghan Lieutenant General Sami Sadat Shares Exerpt from New Book on the War in Afghanistan and the Disasterous Withdrawal by the Biden-Harris Administration

by Assistant Editor Aug. 23, 2024 10:45 am When America retreated from Kabul amid chaos in 2021, Lieutenant General Sami Sadat, the last commander of the army of the Afghan Republic, was still fighting to the end. Sadat’s firsthand account of the disastrous withdrawal and the failures of the Biden-Harris administration are recounted in his new book, The […]

Washington Post: Ukraine keeps crossing Russia’s red lines. Putin keeps blinking

Story by Robyn Dixon, Catherine Belton . . . Ukraine’s punch through Russian defenses in the first foreign invasion since World War II exposed Russia’s military flaws and laid bare Moscow’s apparently illusory red lines. Now some are again questioning the centerpiece of Washington’s Ukraine strategy: a slow, calibrated supply of weapons to Ukraine to […]

Best reader comment of the week The Mob Bosses running the District of Columbia must truly believe that they and their families will come out of their bunkers, along with the World’s Billionaires, and expect to be congratulated by the Nuclear survivors, calling out “Best Wishes.” Every bunker built is known by the builders, every instigator of this Crime against […]

Vivek Ramaswamy tells so-called Anti-War Leftists: ‘If you want to stay out of World War III’ Vote for Trump

By Nick Gilbertson 22 Aug 2024 “Look, I think what it means for the left is that many people who are in the so-called far-left may actually find a greater, if not home, at least comfort in the policies offered by Republicans: To economically lift up the plight of Americans who are suffering, to stay […]

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