“One Health”, ESG & “Sustainable Development”: Inside the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”

By Simon Elder

Behind its woke principles of inclusivity and a paternal state, ‘No one is safe until everyone is safe’ — the slogan that first entered public discourse in February 2021 and was quickly adopted by the G7, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the European Union, GAVI and an ever-increasing number of Western governments, including the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway, Greece, Serbia, the Ukraine and the USA — is as perfect an expression of the totalitarian aspirations of the Global Biosecurity State as ‘Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer’ was of the Third Reich.

The adoption of this Treaty by every Western government, without a referendum, parliamentary vote, public debate or mention in the media, demonstrates that the facade of democracy these government struggled to maintain over two years of lockdown and ‘vaccine’ mandates has now been torn down, and we are now at war. And like every war waged by the West since 1945, it was started by the USA. What makes this one different and new is that it is being waged not only against nations not yet brought within the West’s axis of evil — Russia, China, Iran, etc. — but primarily against the civilian populations of the West itself. It is, therefore, as the text of the Treaty makes clear, a civil war, waged by governments against their own people.

The weapons of this war — for which the West’s proxy-war in the Ukraine is the continuation and justification — aren’t tanks and long-range missiles but Digital Identity, Central Bank Digital Currency and Gene Therapy. Its alliances are Agenda 2030 and the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty. Its campaigns are lockdowns and 15-minute cities. It’s battle-cries are ‘sustainability’, ‘inclusivity’ and ‘biosecurity’. And its peace terms, as we will see, are the complete surrender of the rights and freedoms of the populations of the West to the programmes of our enslavement. Don’t believe me? Then read on!
