Off-Guardian : DISCUSS: Inauguration Day

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Schmitz Katze
Jan 21, 2021 7:58 AM

Americans know how to put on a show, one has to give it to them.
One could almost be fooled into thinking it was a normal inauguration.
They had the chutzpah to call it „celebrating America“.
My husband stayed up to watch Bruce Springsteen and both of us liked the gigs.
Kamala Harris is quite impressive, I must say. She has a charm about her the way Obama has, for most Europeans that is, if one is willing to make allowances for her reputation as a ruthless prosecuter but hey Obama was a nobel peace price winner befor he became the drone warrior in chief.
Both of them God forbid would never say outlandish things like President Trump who never had a war to his name. I keep thinking of him as the true President of the American people as the election was rigged and his voters didn´t even have an audit in a court of law of the land.
The great folk-song, „This land is your land, this land is my land. From California to the —was rendered in the absence of the folk. More taunting for the people I guess..
Joe Biden a co-religionist of mine even had the nerve to quote Saint Augustine the greatest Christian philosopher of antiquity.
There is a Saint Augustine quote coming to mind that Biden should have used instead:
„Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? „
The host Tom Hanks was cringworthy with lauding three former US presidents all of them war criminels as the „marvel of the world“-))
Obama as always had a good line with“ we have to talk to people we disagree with“,
instead of shutting them down on all platforms to keep them out of the debate. That I didn´t hear him say.
Try as they might they couldn´t gloss over the absense of the American people they had barricaded away behind barbed wire fences.
How pathetic of the rulers to let pretenders standing in sublime isolation on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial pretending to represent democracy.