Naomi Wolf speaks to German freedom activists 10 steps to close down society

Date: 3/16/2021 at 8:11 AM
Subject: Video: Naomi Wolf speaks to German freedom activists 10 steps to close down society

The Vlad Tepes Blog has done a good job of covering political aspects
of the China virus. I came across the following post and video. Not
knowing who Naomi Wolf is, I did a DuckDuckGo search and found
Wikipedia’s first sentence on her brands her as a conspiracy theorist.

Here’s her website and book list:

Anyway, after seeing Wikipedia’s slant on her, and finding that her
video below has been disappeared by big tech, I am viewing it. I
recommend the first 25 minutes during which she discusses how the
China virus has been used to close down open societies (that is,
Western societies). It’s pretty much fact-based observations and concerns.

— from the blog post:

Naomi Wolf speaks to German freedom activists on the ten steps to
close down an open society, and where we all are now.

March 15, 2021

And from what I have seen on Twitter, this video is being removed, or
disabled on multiple platforms. Someone on Twitter had the
wherewithal to create a Wetransfer download for it, and we put it on
3Speak after making use of that WeTransfer link. Now, even the tweet
is “unavailable” where the link for the WeTransfer was. But here it
is for all who want to download the video.