MMA Champion Conor McGregor Visits the White House and Delivers Devastating Message About What Unchecked Migration is Doing to Ireland

Gateway Pundit


Conor McGregor visits the White House./Image: Video screenshot via CSPAN.

On Monday, MMA Champion Conor McGregor visited The White House for St. Patrick’s Day and delivered a devastating message about what is happening in his homeland thanks to Ireland’s globalist leaders.


Conor McGregor: Sure. I’m here to raise the issues the people of Ireland face. And it’ll be music to the people of Ireland’s ears, because never on the main stage has the issues the people of Ireland face been spoke.

Our government has long since abandoned the voices of the people of Ireland.

And it’s high time that America is made aware of what is going on in Ireland.

What is going on in Ireland is a travesty. Our government is the government of zero action with zero accountability.

Our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people.

The illegal immigration racket is running ravage on the country. There are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrun in one swoop, that have become a minority in one swoop. So issues need to be addressed.


Ireland is grappling with a surge in migration flooding the country and the financial and social implications that follow.  Reports suggest there are at least 322 migrant plantations spread across the country.