Mike Lindell Is Suing the FBI and the Government for Violating His Rights. Pay Attention.


Pay attention when people Democrats like Tim Ryan say it is time to “kill and confront” the MAGA movement. I’m not even a MAGA person, and that made me raise my eyebrows. Pay attention when Joe Biden tees off on MAGA Republicans. Pay attention to stories like those of Lisa Gallagher, a New Jersey wife, mother, and Trump supporter who had FBI agents knocking at her door because of an anonymous and false tip that she had been involved in the January 6 incident. Pay attention when Senator Mazie Hirono says, “That is how more and more women and those who support our right to make decisions about our own bodies, that is how we see it. And why? Because that’s what’s happening. Madam President, I yield the floor. But clearly, this is a — literally call to arms in our country. I yield the floor.”

Does she know what the word “literally” means? If it is literally a call to arms, that means picking up weapons. Had she meant otherwise, she would have said “figurative.”  Someone may argue that Ryan and Hirono were just being passionate. But people in moments of passion, as well as when they are in their cups (?), often betray their real thoughts.

Pay attention.
