MEP Janice Atkinson: “Cultural Marxism has to be stopped and reversed”

How did a minority in Islam become so forceful and dominant in our politics, legislation and terrorism? So much so that legislation is being brought forward to curtail our criticism of it?
Are you, like me, a conservative but wonder where on earth they are? The book names and shames politicians who trade under the label ‘conservative’.
It lauds those who are fighting against the whole gender and transgender agenda.
It has chapters from a transvestite and a young man who thought he was trans and started the transition process, aided by the irresponsible state, until he realised he was just gay, to a man that became a woman. We hear their stories. None of them have been infected by liberal left wrong think.
The author tears into our education system, the EU, the UN, every politician and body that undermines the family, rule of law, our Western way of life, open borders, mass immigration that no one wanted or indeed, asked for. She condemns the attack on our free speech and imported third world practices and terrorism.
Cultural Marxism has to be stopped and reversed.