McCarthy-McConnell Republicans betrayed Trump, killed the wall

GOPUSA StaffRalph Z. Hallow, Washington Times
POSTED ON 6:50 AM FEBRUARY 19, 2019 3

Forget the sunny-side propaganda put out by all sides on the Great Border Security Compromise Act of 2019.
It’s intentionally fatal flaw lets southern-border municipalities nix wall construction on their turf for any reason they choose.
These local jurisdictions tend to be as blue as this monstrosity of an act should make you feel if you value American sovereignty.
So whether President Trump redirects $8 billion, $80 billion or $1 trillion to wall construction, the product will be a 1,954-foot hallway with enough permanently opened doors to let in the world.
Forget about legal clearance or lines.
That makes the new law a defeat for everything that President Trump has been striving to achieve. And a defeat as well for everyone else who, like the president, cherishes American exceptionalism and the rule of law.
This unnatural disaster happened because the Kevin McCarthy-Mitch McConnell Republicans in Congress betrayed Mr. Trump and then left him with no choice but to sign the legislation on Friday or get blamed for another government shutdown.
It’s a win for Mr. Trump only in the honest disgust he hurled at the law’s border-protection provisions before he inked his name to the measure’s 1,700 pages, with all the genuineness of an American POW signing a war-criminal confession in North Vietnam.
Otherwise, it’s a colossal defeat for America’s security, self-governance and self-respect.