Manufacturing our consent for medical apartheid? ‘Libertarian socialist’ Noam Chomsky comes out in support of a two-tier society

by Neil Clark
Hitherto-revered US leftist Noam Chomsky’s call for the unvaccinated to be ‘isolated’ from the rest of society, and his cold dismissal of concerns over how they would even get food, is deeply shocking. How the mighty have fallen.

The one good thing about the last 18 months is that it has exposed who were the genuine supporters of basic human freedoms and who were not. Goodness me, there’ve been quite a few surprises, haven‘t there?

If I had said to you back in 2019 that, under the guise of fighting a virus with an IFR of 0.096% states across the western world would impose the greatest peace-time restrictions on civil liberties ever seen, with people even prevented from attending the funerals of loved ones or visiting them when they were seriously ill in hospital, you’d have probably said ‘I bet that socialist-libertarian Noam Chomsky will speak out strongly against it. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he’s always against tyranny and disproportionate government measures.’

But Chomsky not only didn’t speak out against lockdowns and mandatory face-masks (if he did, I missed it), he actually went a whole lot further. Showing a level of authoritarianism that would make even Joseph Stalin blanch, he said in a recent viral interview that the “right response” towards those who did not wish to take vaccines was to “insist that they be isolated” from the rest of society. Then, as Max Blumenthal highlighted on Twitter, far from showing contrition, he doubled down. When asked ‘How can we get food to them?’ (i.e. the unvaccinated), he chillingly replied: “Well, that’s actually their problem.”


1 comment on Manufacturing our consent for medical apartheid? ‘Libertarian socialist’ Noam Chomsky comes out in support of a two-tier society

  1. I’m so sick of liberal Chomsky worship. He’s supposedly so brilliant but can’t figure out that 9/11 was a put up job, and that goes for all the liberal web media, Seder, Packman, TYT, Useful Idiots, and the rest. They’re so caught up in the political game they’re divorced from reality. They’re either tools, or too cowardly to speak truth.

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