John L. Kachelman: The Boiling Point – America Have You Had ‘Enough,’ Yet?


America, have you had “enough” yet? Readers can quickly put multiple reports illustrating each of these points:

• Enough political targeting that seeks to discredit, demonize, and even assassinate political opponents?
• Enough of the USA being the world’s police and spending millions and billions in foreign nations when our nation is desperate for security funding?
• Enough political spending that only helps those favored by the Ruling Elite?
• Enough catering to illegals who are treated better and above the US citizen?
• Enough of FEMA ignoring the US citizen in favor of the illegals?
• Enough of Washington, DC POLS dictating personal choices and ignoring State’s Rights?
• Enough “Washington as usual” that hypocritically speaks of compassion?
• Enough of the “Social INjustice Warrior” who intimidates and demands DEI infringing upon Civil Rights?
• Enough of the corporate DEI crammed down our throats through advertisements, entertainment and Hollywood “stars.”
• Enough “substance lacking joy” that brings genuine sorrow and multiple miseries?
• Enough word salads that have no objectivity and only confusion?
• Enough of the MSM talking heads telling you what you should believe and ignoring reality in reporting?
• Enough of the devilish cackling touting a greater economy, security and immigration control?
• Enough of the same-old political hypocrisy that too many in the USA indifferently shrug off with unconcern?

Read entire article here:

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