Javier Milei, a ‘radical’ outsider running for Argentina’s presidency

TRT World

Can the trained economist-turned-politician leverage his firebrand rhetoric and make it to the top job in the Latin American nation dogged by a crippling economic crisis?


Argentina faces 115 percent inflation while 40 percent live in poverty. And a section of voters traditionally associated with the ruling Peronists and the younger generations whose purchasing power has been hit hard see him as a solution.

One expert suggests Milei’s Libertad Avanza or Freedom Advances coalition “seems to be the most radical and reactionary alternative since the democratic restoration of 1983, with great support from young people and the sympathy of middle sectors tired of the traditional bipartisanship”.


Amid a spiralling economy and the loss of purchasing power in Argentina, Milei has pledged wholesale economic reforms — from slashing taxes, cutting public spending and dollarising the economy.

Part of his economic vision for the country is to do away with the Central Bank. Milei claims the financial institution is allegedly set up to steal money from citizens and thereby benefit Argentina’s so-called political elites – something that appears to have resonated with his fervent supporters.


“We Argentines are fed up with politicians because for a hundred years they promoted a model that impoverishes citizens and enriches [them]. They destroyed one of the richest countries in the world with nefarious ideas to line their pockets,” he wrote on social media.

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