Is Big Tech Merging With Big Brother? Kinda Looks Like It [Wired Magazine]

The speed at which individual-rights-and-privacy-based social arrangements collapse is likely to depend on how fast Big Tech and the American national security apparatus consummate a relationship that has been growing ever closer for the past decade. While US surveillance agencies do not have regular real-time access to the gigantic amounts of data collected by the likes of Google, Facebook, and Amazon—as far as we know, anyway—there is both anecdotal and hard evidence to suggest that the once-distant planets of consumer Big Tech and American surveillance agencies are fast merging into a single corporate-bureaucratic life-world, whose potential for tracking, sorting, gas-lighting, manipulating, and censoring citizens may result in a softer version of China’s Big Brother.

Hate in the heartland: America is stumbling towards disaster one virulent tweet at a time [RT]

Victor Davis Hanson, a historian at the Hoover Institution, shed some light on how this phenomenon is helping to make hate in the US go mainstream.

“The Internet and social media often descend into an electronic lynch mob,” Hanson wrote. “In a nanosecond, an insignificant local news story goes viral. Immediately hundreds of millions of people use it to drum up the evils or virtues of either progressivism or conservatism.”