Iceland Reverses Course Freezes Out Rush of Venezuelan Migrants


Icelandic officials are pulling back on their former support for Venezuelan migrants, and deported 180 immigrants who had only recently arrived in the Nordic country.

The about face comes on the tail of moves by the Icelandic parliament to change policy on immigration to be more in line with that of other Nordic countries, according to Icelandic Monitor.

The bill was wildly popular – even among the left-wing Green Party – and among its internal provisions allows Iceland to ignore the U.N. and its open border-styled immigration policy demands.

The legislation reportedly sets stricter conditions for residency, family migration, and other measures.

With the mood shifting against Venezuelans, especially, authorities deported 180 recent Venezuelan migrants all at once. The deportations were carried out by Iceland’s Directorate of Immigration and the European border agency Frontex, according to Iceland Review.

The turnaround marks a major departure from recent policy that allowed Venezuelans near unquestioned asylum in Iceland.