How will America’s drug addicts react when President-Elect Donald Trump cuts off the flow of narcotics from Mexican drug cartels?

By S. Byron Gassaway (Webmaster and System Administrator)

One of the unknowns as the Trump Administration takes the White House next year is how aggressively our new President will fight the Mexican drug cartels and how secure he will make our border with Mexico. Will there be a sort of Shock and Awe military style attack on the drug labs in Mexico and an Israeli / IDF style attack on the homes and offices of the cartel bosses similar to IDF attacks on HAMAS and the Houthi rebels or Iranian backed terrorists in Lebanon? Could there be exploding pagers and cell phones belonging to drug cartel bosses? Will Donald Trump, as our new President, shut down the flow of the fentanyl ingredients from the People’s Republic of China to Mexican drug labs?

If the new President succeeds in short order to eliminate the flow of narcotics into the U.S. Homeland, there will be hundreds of thousands of drug addicts going through cold turkey and behaving in wild, crazy and perhaps violent ways on the streets of our cities. We may see scenes on the streets similar to scenes in The Walking Dead or other Hollywood movies. To be forewarned should mean to be prepared to defend our homes, families and property from violent addicts and drug dealers acting out in ways never seen in the United States before.

Another eventuality to ponder is that if the new Administration carries out mass deportations of illegal aliens in our homeland, the Third World countries that depend on remittances from their “migrants” in the U.S. will possibly be thrown into economic turmoil. Moreover, drug cartels and other international crime syndicates that extort cash from migrants for “permission” for them to go through cartel controlled parts of Mexico will find themselves suddenly having to figure out how to deal with millions of migrants who will be unable to pay back the loans the cartels gave them to enter the U.S.. Will the cartel gang members violently punish the returning illegals from El Norte’? We in the North hear of the cartels threatening family members of migrants who fail to pay extortion fees to the cartels, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out in always corrupt and violent Mexico and Central America.

I do hope President-elect Trump carries out his promise to deport the millions of invaders that Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas brought in under the weak Biden Presidency. To do anything less will ensure that the United States will become a virtual mirror image of Mexico within our lifetimes.  Make America Great Again!