“Guillotines, Motherfucker”: Colorado Democratic Committee Member Caught On Hidden Camera Talking Violent Revolution

by Tyler Durden


Prominent Colorado Democrat Khristopher Jacks, who sits on the executive committee for the state’s Democratic party and chairman of leftist organization “Our Revolution” was caught on undercover footage by Project Veritas promoting a violent agenda for far-left Democrats if President Trump wins in November..

Apparently Jeff Bezos is the first guy he’d kill.

Kristopher Jacks: “If you want to do some Versailles shit. If you want to do some Antifa shit. You really want to change this country that way, with violence, there’s only one way to do it. You gotta get people that are close to billionaires and start just, random billionaires start turning up dead. And nobody knows what the f**ks going on. Nobody knows. Nope, I don’t know. They just turned up dead. And just three or four of ‘em is all it’s going to take. All it’s going to take is a pattern of I don’t know, I don’t know man. I don’t know what happened. Just showed up that way. I walked in. That’s how it was. That’s the only way that’s, you do that to three or four people enough to say that this is a pattern, and this is why – draw a dollar sign on their desk or whatever you do, that’s what it’s going to take. It’s going to take a strategic hit against the .1% that’s in charge, cause that’s who it is. Killing random Nazis in the street, random f**king bootlickers.”

Journalist: “But like who are those like three or four billionaires right now that if it went to that?”

Jacks: “Doesn’t matter.”

Journalist: “Doesn’t matter who.”

Jacks: “Doesn’t matter who… I mean Bezos at the top of the list.”

Journalist: “Who?”

Jacks: “Bezos.”