French defense minister threatens ‘sanctions’ against ex-generals behind open letter blasting Islamism and ‘suburban hordes’

French Defense Minister Florence Parly has said that former high-ranking military personnel may be punished for signing a letter urging the president to stop the looming disintegration of the country and possible civil war.

The letter, which had caused a stir in the media, was published in the conservative ‘Valeurs Actuelles’ news magazine on April 21. The appeal was signed by around 20 retired generals along with “a hundred senior officers and more than a thousand soldiers,” the magazine said.

Striking an ominous tone, generals asked French President Emmanuel Macron and the government to save France from what they said was a creeping disintegration, and to defend the country against “Islamism and the hordes of the suburbs,” as well as against “masked individuals” that attack businesses and police. They also warned that “certain ‘anti-racism’ and ‘decolonial theories’” sow divisions in society with the goal of starting a “race war,” and that the current political climate could ultimately lead to a civil war in France, unless something is urgently done to stop it.

One reader comment from DerMeyer:

Pathetic. These men of valor are true patriots. They have the right to speak openly and to draft, sign, and deliver a letter warning about the strategic, tactical, and social situation in the nation they spent their lives defending. The Defense Minister and the President are traitors for not heeding their words. And complicit for accusing the former generals of sowing divisions that have already been sewn. Western Europe is set to burn in a way that not even Hitler could’ve imagined. For the threat now embedded in Western Europe is worse than a thousand Klaus Barbies. It is not a crime to report what one sees in the French ‘Republic.’ The world is watching you France. And we warn you not to harm your heroes. Marine Le Pen would listen to them.