Fauci on Your Phone?

by Ron Paul MD

If the Senate follows the House of Representatives lead and passes the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (HR 550), Americans who do not get the recommended number of covid vaccines can look forward to receiving a text like this: “This is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to government records you have not yet received your monthly covid booster shot. Until you prove you are following vaccine protocols, your vaccine passport will be revoked, resulting in loss of your privilege to work, worship, and visit your family.”

According to the bill’s chief sponsor, New Hampshire Representative Ann Kuster, HR 550 will “bolster and quicken our nationwide vaccine rollout” by “improv[ing] and expand[ing] information-sharing between state and federal governments, as well as public and private health care providers.” According to a statement issued by Rep. Kuster, HR 550 will allow the government to “…remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine.” It goes without saying that this power will likely also enable the government to punish those who refuse to comply with vaccine mandates.
