Dangerous Precedent: NZ court orders baby removed from “anti-vax” parents

by Kit Knightly

A court in New Zealand has awarded temporary custody of a baby to medical professionals, after the parents insisted their child be given only unvaccinated blood transfusions during surgery.

CNN reports:

A critically-ill six-month-old baby will be placed under the temporary guardianship of New Zealand’s High Court after his parents refused to allow him to undergo lifesaving heart surgery using blood from people vaccinated against Covid-19 […] The baby’s parents believed there were “spike proteins in the blood of people who have been vaccinated and that these proteins were causing unexpected deaths relating to transfusions,” according to the judgment.

The key detail here is that the parents have not, in any way, refused their child medical care – the usual prerequisite for this kind of court order. They want their son to have the surgery, they are simply setting reasonable terms.


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The parents said in an interview with a reporter from New Zealand, that their baby, Will, has severe pulmonary valve stenosis and requires surgery “very immediately,” but they are “particularly concerned with the blood the doctors are going to use.

“The baby is not scheduled for his operation. He’s in a stable condition,” said Cole, Will’s father. “We’re not playing with our baby’s life to get a political or any movement going. We’re wanting our baby to have the surgery and we’re wanting him to have the very best of what’s available for his surgery and his future and his recovery.”

“We don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination,” the father said. “That’s the end of the deal – we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do.”