Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State

C.A. Skeet | 10:20 AM on August 11, 2024

The British government’s push to criminalize all speech and thought that runs counter to state ideology didn’t just begin this past week. In February 2019, a street preacher was arrested in Enfield for preaching Christianity in a Muslim neighborhood. In February 2021, two men were arrested in south London for distributing flyers critical of COVID vaccines. In March 2023, a woman was arrested in Birmingham for silently praying outside an abortion clinic.

But Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, who thinks criticism of mass immigration equates “hate” and “terrorism,” had no qualms about letting a pro-Hamas rally march through London after the 10/7 attacks last year, and on Armistice Day no less.

The dictatorial drive being pursued by the British ruling class doesn’t fall neatly into a category that Hannah Arendt would recognize as totalitarian. This is because none of the typical totalitarian movements (communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, and Islamism) are suicidal in nature. Meaning, each of these movements attempts to use the state to strengthen the ideology, or to use the ideology to strengthen the state.

But the British totalitarian state is different. Its goal is to weaken the British state by strengthening the ideology. What defines the parameters of that ideology is anyone’s guess, as I doubt even its proponents could clearly explain it for inquiring minds. It seems to be a contradictory mix of pseudo-Marxism, nanny statism, multiculturalism grounded in misplaced guilt, and the managed decline of both national regeneration and national will that is the inevitable result of each of the preceding factors.

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