Best reader comment of the week

The Mob Bosses running the District of Columbia must truly believe that they and their families will come out of their bunkers, along with the World’s Billionaires, and expect to be congratulated by the Nuclear survivors, calling out “Best Wishes.”
Every bunker built is known by the builders, every instigator of this Crime against humanity, will have a bounty, “Dead or Alive”.
And every “End-of-Earther” will get their wish. Death. And no bugle will blare, no gaggle of Angels with thank them for killing themselves, the Universe will stare coldly at this inevitable event where old scribes wrote compelling, yet invented lines to keep their tribes from thinking.
For as we all know, thinking can be dangerous.

Posted by: kupkee | Aug 24 2024 14:46 utc | 2

Nuclear mushroom cloud