Best Reader Comment of the Week

Comment cut and pasted from this link:

T. Agee Kaye

“It should be noted that the shooter was twelve when Trump was first elected president. For the next eight years, the shooter, like so much of the American population – and especially its children and student population – was subjected to a relentless toxic diatribe against Trump from the likes of Hillary Clinton, Rachael Maddow, and many, many others in the Democrat party, mainstream media, and education. The shooter may well have even heard these curses and vitriol routinely in his parent’s own home. It is all these people, in politics, education, and mainstream media, who are responsible for this crime and tragedy. Alex Jones had a legal judgment of $1.5 billion levied against him after a few off-color remarks about the Sandy Hook shooting. By that standard (never yet applied to a Democrat) the media and politicians are liable for a corresponding judgement that can only be counted in the hundreds of billions of dollars. I hope the families of those killed and injured in this crime sue them, and sue them hard.”

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