Best Reader Comment of the Month of October, 2024 to Date

Taken from this article:

Redpill Reader

 Oct 3, 2024 5:39 PM

(Cut and pasted. Not edited for spelling. — Admin)

This article was linked below. Here are some quotes

The biggest question that remains is whether the missiles have inflicted any real damage, or if they were merely scattershot ‘psychological’ actions.
On one hand, we have videos like the following which show missiles hitting random empty fields:
[Vid embedded at this point, go to link to watch it as I can’t embed it here – RPL]
On the other hand, we have eyewitness accounts and geolocations that appear to show the areas of sensitive targets being hit.
In truth, Iran openly admitted notifying the US—and thereby Israel—of the strikes in advance, which gave Israel forewarning to take all their F-35s to the sky. This is standard procedure for high value assets like that before any strike, regularly carried out by both Ukraine and Russia in the SMO.
There are allegedly reports that Israel did in fact take its F-35 fleet to the skies as evidenced by a fleet of refueling tankers that were airborne, which suggests the F-35s were kept aloft throughout the duration of the attack

It makes some good point and asks some of the right questions. What happened at those airbases? Were they hit? Damaged? Knocked out? Totally avoided?

No footage to answer that yet. We have clear footage of alleged missile damage of small houses, pieces of ground and cars. Nothing to show what if anything happened to any strategic targets yet.

But the most important bit for me is the penultimate paragraph where this writer, who is no fool and asks some good questions, shows up just how far from sanity and reality things have gone. Like, we are all drinking so much Koolaid it’s rotting our ability to remember what the real world used to look like.

This bit is what I mean

In truth, Iran openly admitted notifying the US—and thereby Israel—of the strikes in advance, which gave Israel forewarning to take all their F-35s to the sky. This is standard procedure for high value assets like that before any strike, regularly carried out by both Ukraine and Russia in the SMO.


Let’s read it again because it’s so fucking (excuse me) crazy I can’t believe it

This is standard procedure for high value assets like that before any strike, regularly carried out by both Ukraine and Russia in the SMO.

So, does anyone remember the old days when war meant you had to try to knock out your enemy’s “high value assets” not bend over backwards to make sure they came to no harm?

Back in 1939-45 did the Germans and British phone each other before every air raid to make sure nothing really valuable got broken by accident?

Sorry, but what’s the bloody point of an air raid if you warn your “enemy” beforehand so he can make sure all his fucking planes are in the Ir and his valuable china is packed away?

Is it me? Am I nuts? How come in five years in the army and studying combat strategy I never heard tjis was how you’re supposed to do it?

What’s really messed up for me is this author, who seems clued in, doesn’t seem to realize what he’s saying or how bloody ridiculous it is.

Oh yeah no, it’s standard procedure to do your best not to inflict any actual damage on your enemy when you bomb them.

Like, how can he not see how crazy that is?

Same time it fits everything I have been seeing after watching this totally mental “war” in Ukraine.

I mean it’s not war. It doesn’t follow any of the rules of war, nothing anyone does makes any sense. It’s nuts. It just LOOKS FAKE.

And people are just accepting it. This is how it is now mate. We have wars that go on forever where both sides make sure they do as little damage as possible. But it’s not fake or anything. It’s just how reality is now. So, just be like this bloke and accept it. New Normal war innit (sic)