Best reader comment of the day per Crowd Strike global computer outages

From Off Guardian article here:
Jul 19, 2024 5:44 PM

I’m using Win 7 with no problem. The Windows operating system was perfected with 7. Applications were purchased not rented and functioned perfectly until 8,10, 11 made stupid alterations to turn Windows into an ongoing rental middleman for BigTech and a surveillance engine to sell god knows what to capitalists and government. (Remember MS’s claim the “W10 would be the last W”?) Once a tool for users, 8-11 make users into tools of Microsoft and Commerce ambitions. Once a service, now an overlord.

This event is a perfect example of what centralized/global organizing produces. Catastrophes. This transition to virtualized life worked on since the mid 90’s via computers is a pie in the sky dream of elites. Once they have centralized everyone on a grid, a network of dependence, like now, like here, all users are vulnerable and without localized options that existed before. They wish. Selling us with “convenience”, when we all participate, they have us as victims. Add in AI (requiring 2x all current power plant output) they believe they will assume absolute control over everything, centrally.

Linux, open source software is an option as well as non-participation via Win7. Gen 6 Intel machines can be rolled back successfully and then one can use all the robust software up until about 2015, free of rentier landlordism. And the “cloud” is just a massive surveillance and intellectual property theft device for elites. Once we are all over to Linux the old mainstream software and new independent software still open to 7 will be available through Linux/software configuration schemes. Also acts of non-participation, grassroots.

As i keep saying, the 21st C elites no longer have anything to offer Humanity with their “progress” and “convenience” offerings.

Mass centralization schemes (Digital cash, biotracking IDs, massvax) will never work as dreamed so best to pull out now. This tiny nightmare is but the tip o’ the iceberg of dysfunction ahead. The sooner one withdraws to historically safe, localized systems of sharing support, the sooner we move from 1% obsolete growth cult to 99% maintenance sustainability. Sans 1% of course.


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