Barbarian African Horde Storms The Panthéon In Paris

Il est INADMISSIBLE de voir des clandestins revendicatifs occuper, en toute impunité, ce haut lieu de la République qu’est le #Panthéon.
En France, le seul avenir d’un clandestin devrait être l’expulsion, car c’est la LOI. MLP
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) July 12, 2019
The moment the #GiletsNoirs occupied the Pantheon in Paris. ??
— Belal Awad|???? ???? (@Baloo1987) July 12, 2019
Marauding African Immigrants storm the #Pantheon in France, demanding “Papers and Freedom for all”
— Virginia Dare (@vdare) July 12, 2019
African Immigrants are being organized by Progressive Antifa, Anarchist, Communist LGBT groups in France and mobilized to occupy ancient relics of western civilization.
— Virginia Dare (@vdare) July 12, 2019
Do you remember when Notre Dame Cathedral burned down during Holy Week in Macron’s France back in April? I don’t recall ever hearing an explanation of how or why that happened.
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