Awr Hawkins: Let’s Reword the Question — With Armed Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado, Who Doesn’t Need an AR-15?

AWR Hawkins

As videos emerge of armed Venezuelan gang members allegedly roving and taking property in Aurora, Colorado, the question is no longer ‘Who needs an AR-15’ but who doesn’t?

Democrats have spent decades demonizing AR-15 rifles, labeling them “weapons of war,” “assault  weapons.” and/or using hybrid designation of “military-style assault weapons.”

And many Democrats go further than simply repeating the myriad designations.

For example, in 2016, in the aftermath of the Orlando Pulse attack, Buzzfeed noted Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) saying that Americans who buy an AR-15 are “not buying it to go out and hunt deer. You don’t need an AK-47 or an AR-15 to hunt deer. They’re buying it to do bad things and we need to recognize that and address it.”

After using the negative descriptors ad nauseum, Democrats follow their script and push more gun control in the form of “assault weapon” bans.


But now the argument is cast in an even clearer light, as viral video appears to show armed Venezuelan gang members going to door to door at an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex, knocking doors and taking property:

In light of this, the Democrats’ question about AR-15s may need to be reworded. Instead of asking who needs an AR-15 perhaps they should be asking who doesn’t.