An Outward Sign of an Inward Grace

By David Prentice

Bukele says they won the physical war, by winning the spiritual war. From that time on, El Salvador had measurable physical change from the worst murder rate in the world to a peaceful culture.  An undeniable fact.  An incredible miracle as an example to us all.

Moments.  Our world is filled with these moments.  We are now involved intimately with one of the biggest transformations of our history.  One thing is clear.  What we are experiencing is very real.  You could cut it with a butter knife.

The left here is in melt-down.  They have been exposed for the dark forces they have become.  They have been exposed as not being smart, not being nice, nor being invincible.  They are in full retreat.  They cannot find their footing; their confusion is breathtaking.

A majority of Americans are waking up to this new realization: The bullet meant for Donald Trump was meant for us.  He turned his head just before death arrived.

What we do with this moment, or moments will define us generations from now. We can ignore it, make fun of it, or scoff at it like our media will do.  And they will do that.  It is their modus operandi.  Or we can immerse ourselves in the moment with the majority of our fellow Americans.  My hope is we will walk through the door that has been opened, giving our hearts and minds to the renewal of the American spirit.  Seeing clearly that we are being given a second chance to renew ourselves and our culture.

An American revolution in which the world can rejoice.