Month: November 2023

Israel’s attacks on Gaza: The weapons and scale of destruction

By Hanna Duggal, Mohammed Hussein and Shakeeb Asrar Destruction equivalent of two nuclear bombs According to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza Strip since October 7, equivalent to two nuclear bombs. In comparison, the Little Boy nuclear bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima during World War II yielded […]

‘Get that 13th booster!’ MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow mocked for ‘copping out’ on ‘Prequel’ book tour due to Covid

by Deepti Chadha  NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow’s book, ‘PREQUEL: An American Fight Against Fascism,’ recently hit the stands, and Maddow has been on book tours all over the country for the same. #1 New York Times bestselling author and news anchor Maddow recently took to X, formerly known as Twitter, […]

Tlaib Censured By House For Saying Biden ‘Supports Genocide’ In Gaza

By TYLER DURDEN Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was censured by the House Tuesday night after posting a video on X claiming that President Biden “support(s) the genocide of the Palestinian people.” In a floor speech earlier on Tuesday, Tlaib argued that Republicans were trying to censor her and dehumanized Palestinians, while fellow Democrats argued that she […]

False Claims that Iran is Developing Nuclear Weapons: US House Quietly Passed Resolution (H. RES. 559) that Allows Using Force Against Iran

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and U.S. House of Representatives Global Research, November 06, 2023 PCR Institute for Political Economy and U.S. House of Representatives 5 November 2023 False claims that Iran is  developing nuclear weapons, like the false claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, can be used to legitimize an attack on Iran. House quietly […]

A new law is about to kill free speech and democracy in Australia

RT By Augusto Zimmermann, Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Australia, President of WALTA – Legal Theory Association, and former Law Reform Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia As can be seen, the proposed legislation constitutes a serious attack on the democratic right of Australians to free […]

US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’

WYATT REED·OCTOBER 31, 2023 The CEO of one of the world’s leading tech conferences was forced to resign after criticizing Israel’s assault on Gaza. He was quickly replaced by one of the industry’s most prominent US government-affiliated regime change specialists.  Europe’s biggest tech conference, Web Summit, has appointed a veteran US regime-change operative named Katherine […]

Israeli Politician Moshe Feiglin: “Gaza Needs to Turn Into Dresden! Annihilate Gaza Now!”

Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Oct. 27, 2023 Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin is giving interview after interview on Israeli television demanding the IDF carry out the complete and total “annihilation” of Gaza with endless airstrikes to cause “destruction like Dresden and Hiroshima.” Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin is giving interview after interview on Israeli television demanding the IDF […]

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